It's A Heartache
艺人:Bonnie Tyler
语言: 英语


    作词:Ronnie Scott, Steve Wolfe

    It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
    Hits you when it's too late, hits you when you're down
    It's a fools' game, nothing but a fool's game
    Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

    It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
    Love him 'til your arms break, then he'll let you down
    It ain't right with love to share when you find he doesn't care for you
    It ain't wise to need someone as much as I depended on you

    Oh, it's heartache, nothing but a heartache
    更多歌词在 音乐网
    Hits you when it's too late, hits you when you're down
    It's a fool's game, nothing but a fool's game
    Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown

    It ain't right with love to share
    When you find he doesn't care for you
    It ain't wise to need someone as much as I depended on you

    Oh, it's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
    You love him 'til your arms break, then he'll let you down
    It's a fool's game, nothing but a fool's game
    Standing in the cold rain, feeling like a clown
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推荐歌曲    发表于12年前
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"It's a Heartache" is a country rock song that was recorded separately by Bonnie Tyler and Juice Newton in 1977. Tyler's version charted in the UK in November 1977 and both versions charted in the United States in 1978. 查看全文



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